Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sweet like Black Pepper

Korang pernah makan tak gula-gula lada hitam? Mesti tak pernah kan? Dengan rasa bangganya aku nak bagitahu korang, aku dah pernah makan. Rasanya... pergh....manis + pedas + berangin.

Dia punya berangin lain macam sikit. Bukan berangin macam gula-gula halls tu, tapi berangin campur pedas. Kalau nak tahu, korang rasalah sendiri ya.

Oh ya! lupa nak ucap terima kasih kat office mate aku, Hazren kerana telah bermurah hati membawa ole-ole dari Miri, Sarawak. Dia cakap dia beli gula-gula ni kat Airport di Miri. Bila sebut lada hitam, mestilah dari Sarawak kan? Pengeluar lada hitam. 

Dia punya bungkusan macam gambar kat bawah ni. Jadi, kalau sapa-sapa yang nak gi Sarawak tu, bolehlah beli sebagai ole-ole dari sana. 

Ini gambar dekat. Nampak tak gula-gula yang dah aku buka bungkusan tu? Warnanya ala-ala putih. 

Tapi kan korang, bila dah makan gula-gula ni. Tunggulah dalam 3 - 4 jam. Akan ada rasa satu perasaan pelik datang. Yang rasa macam tak boleh tahan. Nak lepas jugak. Ala, korang jangan salah faham pulak, ini bukan entry 18SX. Rasa nak kentut aje lah. Bila dah rasa panas je dalam perut, mulalah rasa nak terkentut-kentut.

So, kepada sesiapa yang memakan gula-gula lada hitam ni, sila tengok kiri kanan anda sebelum melepaskan apa-apa yang patut. Karang ada pulak yang terbau minyak wangi korang.

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Don't you just love the thought of starting your day with the aroma of #MiloFuzeJamPack? Click on this link & you could be lucky ones to win Apple pr

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Singkatnya hidup ni.......

Sesunggunya kehidupan kita amatlah singkat. Kita lahir dengan azan dan iqimah. 

Dan akhirnya kehidupan sebelum dimasukkan kedalam tanah, kita akan disembahyangkan. 

Berapa lamakah jarak antara AZAN, IQIMAH DAN SOLAT? 

Sangat PENDEK. 

Begitulah kehidupan kita, amat singkat sebenarnya. Bahkan setiap hari kita berhijrah ke arah kematian.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Korang, Yang Mana Satu?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Apakah yang paling dekat dengan kita?


1. Imam Ghazali : Apakah yang paling DEKAT dengan diri kita di dunia ini?

Murid 1: Orang tua
Murid 2: Guru
Murid 3: Teman
Murid 4: Kaum kerabat 

Imam Ghazali: Semua jawapan itu benar. Tetapi yang paling DEKAT dengan kita ialah MATI. Sebab itu janji Allah bahawa setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan mati ( Surah Ali-Imran :185).

2. Imam Ghazali:
Apa yang paling JAUH dari kita di dunia ini ?

Murid 1: Negeri Cina
Murid 2: Bulan
Murid 3: Matahari

Murid 4: Bintang-bintang

Imam Ghazali: Semua jawaban itu benar. Tetapi yang paling benar adalah MASA LALU. Bagaimanapun kita, apapun kenderaan kita, tetap kita tidak akan dapat kembali ke masa yang lalu. Oleh sebab itu kita harus menjaga hari ini, hari esok dan hari-hari yang akan datang dengan perbuatan yang sesuai dengan ajaran Agama.

3. Imam Ghazali:
Apa yang paling BESAR didunia ini ?

Murid 1: Gunung
Murid 2: Matahari
Murid 3: Bumi 

Imam Ghazali: Semua jawaban itu benar, tapi yang BESAR sekali adalah HAWA NAFSU (Surah Al Araf: 179). Maka kita harus hati-hati dengan nafsu kita, jangan sampai nafsu kita membawa ke neraka.

Apa yang paling BERAT didunia?

Murid 1: Baja
Murid 2: Besi
Murid 3: Gajah

Imam Ghazali: Semua itu benar, tapi yang paling BERAT adalah MEMEGANG AMANAH (Surah Al-Azab : 72 ). Tumbuh-tumbuhan, binatang, gunung, dan malaikat semua tidak mampu ketika Allah SWT meminta mereka menjadi khalifah pemimpin) di dunia ini. Tetapi manusia dengan sombongnya berebut-rebut menyanggupi permintaan Allah SWT sehingga banyak manusia masuk ke neraka kerana gagal memegang amanah.

5. Imam Ghazali: Apa yang paling RINGAN di dunia ini ?

Murid 1: Kapas
Murid 2: Angin
Murid 3: Debu
Murid 4: Daun-daun

Imam Ghazali: Semua jawaban kamu itu benar, tapi yang paling RINGAN sekali didunia ini adalah MENINGGALKAN SOLAT. Gara-gara pekerjaan kita atau urusan dunia, kita tinggalkan solat

6. Imam Ghazali:
Apa yang paling tajam sekali di dunia ini?

Murid- Murid dengan serentak menjawab : Pedang

Imam Ghazali: Itu benar, tapi yang paling TAJAM sekali didunia! ini adalah LIDAH MANUSIA. Kerana melalui lidah, manusia dengan mudahnya menyakiti hati dan melukai perasaan saudaranya sendiri

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Beli satu percuma satu

Pic. google
Jangan tertipulah apabila ada banner `beli satu percuma satu'. Mana ada orang nak bagi menda free kan?. Samada dia dah mark up harga untuk barangan pertama ataupun barang yang free tu memang dah expired atau memang tak berguna langsung (dengan kata kasarnya).

Inilah yang terjadi kat aku weh. Rasa hampeh betullah kat budak sales tu. Mula-mula memang dah cuak dengan attitude dia. Memang kurang asam betullah. Memang tak rasa nak beli pun (lagipun kalau boleh nak kurangkan makanan-makanan yang segera ni, ingat tak entry aku yang pasal pemakanan ari tu? Pilihan makanan terburuk untuk anak-anak, Alih, alih entah macam mana si Hasben termakan jugak dengan cakap budak tu (katanya kesian kat budak tu, yalah tu..... nasib budak tu lelaki, kalau perempuan?)

Alkisahnya, kita orang pergi ke TMC semalam, nak beli  barang sikit. Bila tiba kat bahagian sejuk beku tu, adalah seorang mamat ni datang kat kita orang. Offer nugget, beli satu percuma satu. Aku tanyalah, kenapa nak bagi free, mesti nugget yang free tu nak expired ataupun tak laku. Dengan selamba budak tu cakap, kalau tak nak sudahlah. Ok fine, aku pun terus blah. Tinggalah en Hasben duk melayan budak tu. Aku terdengarlah jugak percakapan diaorang. Dia cakap kat en Hasben, nugget yang dia nak jual ni, jenis yang McD jual tu. Boleh caya ke? Dan yang dia nak bagi free ni ialah nugget ikan, keluaran baru. Ala-ala macam nak perkenalkan produk baru gitu. Kenapa tak cakap siang-siang. 

Last-last en Hasben aku yang baik hati ni pun belilah jugak. Beli atas dasar kesian katanya. Balik rumah trylah goreng nugget ikan tu. Uwek...langsung tak sedap. Bau ikan yang hanyir amat kuat. Tak tahulah kalau korang suka rasa macam tu. Nak kata rasa macam Fish n Chip, tak kot. Memang tak sedaplah. Budak-budak kat rumah pun tak nak makan. Patutlah nak bagi free, rupa-rupanya tak sedap. Dah agak dah, memang tak laku pun, sebab tu nak bagi free. 

Moral of the story : Jangan cepat terpedaya dengan barang-barang free ni. Mesti ada udang disebalik mee.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Menjana pendapatan

Fuh, baca tajuk memang gempak beb. Saja jer. Kasi tuan punya gambar kat bawah ni glamer sikit. 

Cer cerita sikit. Hari sabtu 2 minggu yang lepas, kita orang pergilah ke Kemaman, untuk membeli mesin rumput ni. Bukannya nak eksen ke apa, cuma nak bagitahu, dah lama aku duk membebel pasal rumput ni. Biasanya si Wendy tu yang duk potong dengan gunting yang besar tu. Iyalah, tuan rumah malas + bizi (bizi sokmo). Nasiblah ada bibik yang rajin potong rumput.

Beli mesin ni pun yang buatan Cina je, kiranya yang murah sekali lah. Macam tak ikhlas je beli. Kalau tengok gambar kat bawah, memang nampak muka kena paksa kan?

Tapi tak baik tau, buruk sangka. Memang minat memotong rumput ni tiba-tiba je datang. Sekarang ni dah complete PPE untuk memotong rumput. Siap potong rumput sampai diluar kawasan rumah. Kalau boleh kawasan jiran pun nak dipotongnya. Wah, memang bagus dan bersemangat betullah En Hasben aku ni.

Anak abah, mana-mana pergi mesti ada...
Tapi, kalau difikir-fikirkan dan dikaitkan dengan tajuk memang betul apa, pekerjaan memotong rumput ni boleh dijadikan pendapatan sampingan. Iyalah, kalau untuk kawasan rumah aku yang rumput hanya seciput tu boleh dikenakan RM30. Kalau 1 hari 3 buah rumah, dah boleh dapat RM90. Buat je waktu weekend. Aci tak? Ala, hendak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih. 

Agak-agak, En Hasben setuju ke kalau usul ni dibentangkan malam ni? 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Selamat Menyambut Maulidur Rasul 1432 H

 The Biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

1. When was the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) born?
 He was born on Monday, 12th Rabi Al Awwal, April 20th, 571 AC.
2. Where was the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) born?
 In Makkah
 3. What is the name of the Prophet's father?
 Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib.
 4. What is the name of the Prophet's mother?
 Aminah Bint Wahhab Ibn Abd Manaf Ibn Zahrah.
 5. When and where did his (prophet's) father die?
 He died in Makkah before Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) was born.
6. What is the name of the Prophet's grandfather?
 Abdul Muttalib.
7. What was his granfather's position?
 He was the chief of his clan Bani Hashim.
 8. What is the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) lineage up to his fifth ancestor?
 He is Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib Ibn Hashim Ibn Abd Manaf Ibn Qusai Ibn Kilab.
 9. Who suckled the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?
 First Thuyeba, the freed slave girl of his uncle Abdul Uzza known as Abu Lahab, then Haleema Bint Abu Dhuaib, best known as Haleema Al Sadiyah.
 10. Who named the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?
 Abdul Muttalib.
 11. What did Muhammad's (p.b.u.h.) mother name him?
 12. Why did she (the Prophet's mother) choose this name?
 Because she saw an angel in a dream calling the new-born baby Ahmad.
 13. How old was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) when his mother died?
 Six years old.
 14. Where did his mother take him?
 She took him to Yathrib (Madinah) to visit her relatives.
 15. Where did his mother die?
 On her way back to Makkah, she died at Abwa and was buried there.
 16. Who brought Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) back to Makkah?
 His father's slave girl, Umm Aiman (May Allah be pleased with her).
 17. Who took the charge of his care?
 His grandfather Abdul Muttalib.
 18. How long did The Prophet's grandfather take care of the Prophet Muhammad?
 For two years.

19. How was his (Abdul Muttalib's) behavior with Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?
 He loved him very much and preferred him to his own sons.
 20. What did Abdul Muttalib foretell about his grandson?
 That he would hold a prestigious position.
21. Who took care of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) after the death of Abdul Muttalib?

 His uncle Abu Talib.

 22. How old was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) when his grandfather Abdul Muttalib died?
 About eight years old.
 23. When did Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) travel to Syria and with whom?
 He went to Syria with his uncle Abu Talib when he was twelve years old.
24. Who was Khadijah (May Allah be pleased with her)?
 She was a wealthy merchant of Makkah.
 25. Why did she (Khadijah) want to marry Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?
 Because of his truthfulness and good conduct.
 26. When did she (Khadijah) marry Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?
 When she was 40 years old.
 27. How old was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) at the time of the marriage?
 He was 25.
 28. What did he (the Prophet) give her (Khadijah) as Mahr (dowry)?
 Twenty camels.
 29. Was Khadijah (May Allah be pleased with her) a widow?
 Yes. The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) was her third husband.
 30. How was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) known in the society?
 He was known as Al Ameen (Truthful) and Al Sadiq (trustworthy).
 31. Did he get any sort of education?
 No, he was illiterate.
 32. What should one say when the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) name is mentioned?
 One should say "SALLALLAHO ALAIHE WASALLAM " (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
 33. How many times is the name of Muhammad mentioned in the Holy Quran?

 Four times.

 34. What are the names of the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) uncles?

 They are: Harith, Zubair, Abu Talib, Hamzah (May Allah be pleased with him), Abu Lahab, Ghidaq, Maqwam, Safar and Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him).

 35. Did his uncle Abu Talib accept Islam?

 No, he died a polytheist.

 36. In the New Testament by what name was the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) mentioned?

 By the name of Paraclete.

 37. What is Kabah?

 It is the oldest house of worship on the earth.

 38. Who built it?

 The Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismael (May Allah be pleased with them).

39. How did Quraish arrange rebuilding of Kabah?
 They divided the work among various tribes. Each tribe was responsible for rebuilding a part of it.
40. Who laid the stones?
 A Byzantine mason called Baqum.
41. Where did the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) go into seclusion?

 To the Cave of Hira.

42. What was the fist stage of the revelation?

 True dreams.

 43. When did the first revelation come down to him?

 On Monday, 21st of Ramadan, at night (August 10th, 610 AC). He was forty years then.

 44. Who brought it?


 45. Who were the first to embrace Islam?

 Four persons: Khadijah his wife, Zaid Ibn Haritha his freed slave, Ali Ibn Abi Talib his cousin and Abu Bakr his friend (May Allah be pleased with them).

 46. Who accepted Islam at the instance of Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him)?

 Uthman Ibn Affan, Zubair Ibn Awwam, Abdur Rahman Ibn Awf, Sad Ibn Abi Waqqaas, Talha Ibn Ubaidullah and Saeed Ibn Zaid (Umar's son-in-law) (May Allah be pleased with them).

 47. Who were the ladies to accept Islam at first?

 Abbas's wife Ummaul Fadl, Abu Bakr's wife Asma Bint Umais, his daughter Asma Bint Abi Bakr and Fatimah Bint Al Khattab Umar's sister (May Allah be pleased with them).

 48. How was the Dawah done in the beginning?

 It was done in secret.

 49. How many people embraced Islam in the early stage?

 About forty.

 50. How many years did the call in secret continue?

 For three years.

 51. During this period, where would the Muslims gather secretly?

 They would gather secretly in the house of a Muslim called Arqam to learn about Islam and the revelations sent down to the Prophet ( p.b.u.h.).

 52. When did the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) start to preach Islam openly?

 After three years when he received the revelation to that effect.

 53. What was the impact of his public preaching?

 The people accepted Islam increasingly.

 54. What was the main miracle of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.)?

 The Holy Quran.

 55. Did the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) perform other miracles?

 Yes, the splitting of the moon was one of them.

 56. Who was Abu Jahl?

 One of the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) uncles.

 57. Name some of the disbelievers of Makkah who supported the Prophet (p.b.u.h.), but did not embrace Islam until the end.

 Abu Talib, Mutim Ibn Adi and Abul Bukhtari.

 58. How long did Abu Talib protect the Prophet (p.b.u.h)?

 For 42 years - from the Prophet's childhood until he himself died.

 59. Who was Mutim Ibn Adi?

 A chief of Makkah.

 60. When did he (Mutim Ibn Adi) give protection to the Prophet (p.b.u.h.)?
 When the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) returned from Taif and wanted to enter Makkah.
61. When did he (Mutim Ibn Adi) die?

 He was killed in the Battle of Badr.

 62. Who was Abul Bukhtari?

 He was a poet.

 63. How did he (Abul Bukhtari) support the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?

 He spoke out against the social boycott.

 64. What lead the Muslims to emigrate to Abyssinia?

 Their growing persecution at the hands of Quraish.

 65. Which Surah lead to this emigration?

 Surah Az Zumar.

 66. When was Abul Bukhtari killed?

 In the battle of Badr.

 67. Who was then the King of Abyssinia?

 The King of Abyssinia, known as Najjashi (the Negus), during the time of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) was As'hama.

 68. When did the first group of Muslims leave for Abyssinia?

 In Rajab, in the fifth year of Prophethood.

 69. How many persons were there in the group?

 12 men and 4 women.

 70. How were the emigrants received in Abyssinia?

 They were received warmly and hospitably.

 71. When did the second group of emigrants leave for Abyssinia?

 In the fifth year of Prophethood.

 72. How many people formed the group?

 83 men and 18 women.

 73. Name a prominent companion included in this group.

 Ja'far Ibn Abi Talib (May Allah be pleased with him).

 74. What did Quraish do?

 They despatched two envoys to Abyssinia to demand the extradition of the emigrants.

 75. How did the King respond?

 He refused to extradite the Muslims and assured them of his full protection.

 76. When did Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) accept Islam?

 At the age of 27.

 77. Who was Bilal Ibn Rabah (May Allah be pleased with him)?

 He was a slave of Umayyah Ibn Khalaf.

 78. What was his (Bilal Ibn Rabah's) origin?

 He was of Abyssinian decent.

 79. What was the name of Bilal's mother?


80. Who was Yaser (May Allah be pleased with him)?
 He was a slave of Abu Jahl.
81. Who was Sumayyah (May Allah be pleased with her)?

 She was Yaser's (a slave of Abu Jahl) wife.

82. Who was Ammar (May Allah be pleased with him)?

 He was Yaser and Sumayyah's only son.

 83. How did Summaya (May Allah be pleased) die?

 Abu Jahl murderded her with a bayonet.

 84. Who was Zaid Ibn Haritha (May Allah be pleased with him)?

 He was a slave.

 85. Who purchased him (Zaid Ibn Haritha)?

 Khadijah's nephew Hakim Ibn Hizam purchased him and presented him to her.

 86. What did Khadijah do with Zaid Bin Haritha?

 She presented him to the Prophet who set him free.

 87. Did Zaid Bin Haritha want to go to his parents?

 No, he preferred to live with the Prophet (p.b.u.h.).

 88. To whom was Zaid Bin Haritha married?

 To Umma Aiman (May Allah be pleased with her).

 89. Who was Ja'far?

 He was the elder brother of Ali Ibn Talib (May Allah be pleased with him).

 90. Where did he (Ja'far) emigrate?

 To Abyssinia.

 91. Who was Ali (May Allah be pleased with him)?

 He was the son of Abu Talib and cousin of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.).

 92. When did Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) accept Islam?

 When he was 19.

 93. What was he (Ali) called for his bravery?

 The "Lion of Allah".

 94. Whom did Ali first marry?

 He first married the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) daughter Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with her).

 95. How many sons did Ali have from her?

 Two sons: Hasan and Husain (May Allah be pleased with them).

 96. When did Sa'd bn Abi Waqqas (May Allah be pleased with him) become a Muslim?

 When he was 19.

 97. Where did Sa'd (May Allah be pleased with him) die?

 He died in Al Madinah.

 98. What was Sa'd's advice to Muslims?

 To stand united.

 99. Who was Abu Bakr's father (May Allah be pleased with him) and did he accept Islam?

 He was Uthman (May Allah be pleased with him) (Abu Quhafah). Yes, he accepted Islam during the Conquest of Makkah.


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